With their flexibility, Stretch Tents can adapt to various event needs. You can choose the best configuration based on location, weather and aesthetic factors.

Floating Canopy

A floating canopy is a configuration where the corners of the stretch tent are lifted up using poles of different heights, creating a dynamic and elegant shape. The floating canopy allows for natural light and ventilation, as well as creating a spacious and airy feel.


  • It can cover a large area without obstructing the view or the flow of people.
  • It can create a stunning visual impact and add flair to any event.
  •  It can be combined with other tents or structures to create a mega structure.

Corners Down

The corners of the stretch tent are lowered down creating a curved and graceful shape.  The corners down configuration allows for more privacy and protection, as well as creating a warm and inviting feel. You still are able to have many of the benefits of a floating canopy with great natural light and views of your surroundings but a bit more protection from the weather.


  • It can create a more intimate and cozy atmosphere for your event.
  •  It can provide more shelter from the wind, rain, or sun.
  •  It can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your tent with its elegant curves and drapes.

One Side Down

One side of the stretch tent is lowered down and pegged to the ground, creating a sloping and asymmetrical shape. The side that is lowered down can be either the front, the back, or the side of the tent. It allows for more shade and shelter, as well as creating a modern and sleek look.


  • It can create a more spacious and open feel for your event.
  • It can provide more protection from the wind, rain, or sun on one side of the tent.
  • The back wall can be used for the bar, bands or performers to be based. 

Two Sides Down

One of the sides and one of the back walls of the stretch tent are lowered down and pegged to the ground. It is similar to the one side down configuration. however allows for further protection from wind and rain. It also provides a more closed off space which is great for parties that are in the evening and night time.


  •  It can create a more uniform and organized feel for your event.
  •  It can provide more protection from the wind, rain, or sun on two sides of the tent.